"obsessed" by human-robot relations from early childhood onwards (hello Johny 5!)
Čapek, Asimov, Turing, Cyberpunk ...
since beginning of my academic life I try to transpose main elements of ontogeny of human intelligence into computational domain (Master: Facial expression recognition; PhD: Computational models of language acquisition)
2011 Paper "Central Problem of Roboethics: from defintion towards solution" provides a potential solution to what AI folks label these days as "Alignment problem"
the solution is: To raise machines as we raise our (own) children.
one of the last pieces of puzzles is "peer learning"
Beschreibung, wie wir von Adam zu Terminator kamen
Vertiefung grundlegender Begriffe - Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Hauptunterarten (diskriminative KI und generative KI), maschinelles Lernen, neuronale Netze, (Ro)bot, Turing-Test, Singularität
Einige konkrete Tipps und Ratschläge, wie KI Ihnen das Leben erleichtern oder verschönern kann (GPT4, DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion, Merlin, PlantNet usw.)
3 Bilder der Zukunft: dystopisch, utopisch, realistisch
Wasser / Kühlmittel
und alle Aspekte, Nebenwirkungen und "collaterals" derProduktion
berücksichtigt sind.Unterricht im Freien (outdoor on-line learning)
"eco-artificial education" mithilfe von Apps wie Merlin, Naturblick, SvampeAtlas
eigene Artefakte (digitale Fibel, Magic Wand 0)
eigenes Software (teacher.js, Kastalia Knowledge Management System)
Das "Bildung Biodigitale" Konzept wurde im Rahmen des Projektes teacher.solar / Stifterverbands Senior Fellowship für Innovationen in der Hochschulbildung entwickelt.popis toho ako sme sa dostali od Adama k Terminatorovi
prehĺbenie základných pojmov - umelá inteligencia a jej hlavné pod-druhy (diskriminatívna UI a generatívna UI), strojové učenie, neurónová sieť, (ro)bot, Turingov test, singularita
pár konkrétnych tipov a rád ako vám UI môže uľahčiť resp. skrášliť Život (GPT4, DALL-e 3, Stable Diffusion, Merlin, PlantNet atd.)
3 obrazy buducnosti: dystopický, utopický, realistický
न :: NA :: naive
ल :: LA :: lazy
न :: NA :: narrative
poppy chewers culture emerged in Frica, their site Farwallow being the main hub, after mastery of boat-building technology around 7200 BP expansion both to north (Rabbithole) as well to the east (Bourville) ensues
oldest rabbit skinners settlements were discovered in Youresia (Tertexo-Astumanca-Zava cluster), somewhat newer ones in Orient
rabbit skinner settlement dates cover short time spans (one, max two radio-carbon dated samples for HG), some poppy-chewer settlements cover much longer time spans (oh that splendid longevity of Farwallow, Rabbithole, Bearcall!)
reading is essentially a process of translation of textual sequences into their phonetic representations
spoken word thus play a fundamental role in reading acquisition
highly accurate automatic speech recognition (ASR ) systems exist for many languages but they are still strongly biased towards accurate processing of adult voices
HOWEVER: in reading acquisition or reading fostering scenarios one deals with speakers whoseutterances of sequences-to-be-read exhibit peculiar characteristics
As of 2023, there exists no publicly available ASR model which could accurately and reliably process child speech.
In our IHIET 2023 article, we introduce two innovations with which the problem can be partially bypasssed in context of digitally supported reading acquisition app:
In concrete terms, we have shown that after three sessions focusing on acquisition of grapheme-vowel and CV-bigrapheme correspondences had lead, in case of one particular learner, to decrease of WER from 96% to 48%.
Learner 1 (L1) - is a 5-year old – pre-school bilingual (90% German, 10% Slovak) daughter of the main author of this article
three HMPL-C2 exercise 1 (E1) sessions were executed on days 1, 3 and 5 of the study
each HMPL-C2-E1 session consisted of human-testing phase followed by a mutual human-machine learning phase
in each phase, sequences consisted of 5 repetitions of syllables started with occlusive labial consonant M or B and followed by the vowel A, E, I, O or U, thus yielding sequences from “MA MA MA MA MA” to “BU BU BU BU BU"
speech recordings collected during the learning phase subsequently provided input for the acoustic-model fine-tuning process
something's going on...
art is EXACTLY the domain where use of ARTificial intelligence is meaningful
curation, replicability, accountability in AI gen art should not be neglected
UdK Berlin (currently) still has a slight "decisive strategic advantage" (DSA)
public sector (currently) has structural difficulties to fund or provide long-term perspective for truly innovative projects
ethical (moratorium?) and ecological (KKN) aspects must not be neglected