``A ten, kdo nás dokáže krmit pestrými a mihotavými obrázky, nás bude schopen dostat kamkoli bude chtít.''

``And the one able to feed us with colorful blinking images shall be able to get us there, where (s)he wants.''

``Und (der|die|das)jenige die uns mit den bunten bewegenden Bildern futtern kann, wird uns genau dort bringen, wo (er|sie|es) will.''
          Jan Sokol, Kleine Philosophie des Menschens (1994)

something's going on...

art is EXACTLY the domain where use of ARTificial intelligence is meaningful

curation, replicability, accountability in AI gen art should not be neglected

UdK Berlin (currently) still has a slight "decisive strategic advantage" (DSA)

public sector (currently) has structural difficulties to fund or provide long-term perspective for truly innovative projects

ethical (moratorium?) and ecological (KKN) aspects must not be neglected

UDK.AI = Stable Diffusion + matrix protocol + Kastalia KMS + ChatGPT conversation archive
[Impressum, Datenschutz, Login] Other subprojects of wizzion.com linkring: gardens.digital udk.ai naadam.info refused.science baumhaus.digital puerto.life teacher.solar kyberia.de fibel.digital giver.eu