An exercised, disciplined poor one practically always gets better "last laugh" than all those pesky rich ones driven by ὕβρις and vanity.
Mann kann, in Theorie, über Nachhaltigkeit von Digitalisierung sprechen wenn alle Ressourcen wie
Wasser / Kühlmittel
und alle Aspekte, Nebenwirkungen und "collaterals" der
berücksichtigt sind.
GPT4 PROMPT: "I will have a 10 minute impulse talk at Weizenbaum institute about digital sustainability (DS). It will be fairly critical, starting with the idea that concept of DS is an oxymoron, given that digitalization as we currently practice it, is definitely not sustainable. Greenwashing will also be mentioned. Then I will move to more optimistic perspectives: solarpunk and permacomputing in order to end with introduction of the concept of digital ascesis. Provide five alternatives for a fairly short title..."