Questio: Können Maschinen Gut und Böse unterscheiden?

Beschreibung, wie wir von Adam zu Terminator kamen

Vertiefung grundlegender Begriffe - Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Hauptunterarten (diskriminative KI und generative KI), maschinelles Lernen, neuronale Netze, (Ro)bot, Turing-Test, Singularität

Einige konkrete Tipps und Ratschläge, wie KI Ihnen das Leben erleichtern oder verschönern kann (GPT4, DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion, Merlin, PlantNet usw.)

3 Bilder der Zukunft: dystopisch, utopisch, realistisch

"obsessed" by human-robot relations from early childhood onwards (hello Johny 5!)

Čapek, Asimov, Turing, Cyberpunk ...

since beginning of my academic life I try to transpose main elements of ontogeny of human intelligence into computational domain (Master: Facial expression recognition; PhD: Computational models of language acquisition)

2011 Paper "Central Problem of Roboethics: from defintion towards solution" provides a potential solution to what AI folks label these days as "Alignment problem"

the solution is: To raise machines as we raise our (own) children.

one of the last pieces of puzzles is "peer learning"

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