Middle English: from Old French constraindre, from Latin constringere ‘bind tightly together’.
What types of constraints do You take into account when You:

make a decision D

when You solve a problem P 


Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical method used to find the best outcome in a model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships. It's like playing a game where you need to achieve the highest score (maximize) or the lowest score (minimize) under certain rules. These rules are your constraints, like how much money you can spend or how many hours you have. The score you're trying to optimize is called the objective function, and it's also a linear equation. LP helps you figure out the best way to play this game, balancing all the rules, to achieve your goal, whether it's making the most profit, using the least resources, or something similar. It's a powerful tool for decision-making in business, engineering, economics, and more.
Constraint programming is a programming paradigm where relationships between variables are expressed as constraints. The objective is to find values for these variables that satisfy all given constraints. It is particularly useful for solving combinatorial problems, such as scheduling, planning, and resource allocation, where traditional algorithms might be inefficient. Instead of specifying steps to achieve a solution, one defines the desired properties of a solution, and the system determines a valid assignment, if one exists.
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