honor to be invited to "the castle Time"
observing cryptocurrency scene from cca 2010 / AE40
kyberia played an important role in adoption of crypto in Central-European space (c.f. juraj's forum https://kyberia.sk/id/5734320 founded in 2.1.2011)
in love with secp256k1, ed25519 and other juicy curves
dissatisfaction with direction in which crypto- scene is evolving
inceptor of slovak digital community kyberia.sk
assisted Pavol & Juraj in creation of 1st Slovak hackerspace progresssbar.sk
since 2018 Juniorprofessor of Digital Education at Berlin University of the Arts / Einstein Center Digital Future
sentiments of awe, greatness and gratefulness
association with onthological terms ("omnipresence", "omniscience", "guarant of truth")
important mythical / narrative component
quasi-divine authority attributed to scripts of "founding father(s)"
faith on par with reason
tendency to interpret plethora of diverse phenomena through the BTC-prism & associated ideology (e.g. certain schools of economical thought)
if phenomenon does not fit the prism or ideology it is reduced / accommodated to it
difficulty of rational argumentation
evangelism & proselytism
[Never underestimate
/Ummon says/
the power of a few beads
and trinkets
and bits of glass
over avaricious natives]
"Macht bedeutet jede Chance, innerhalb einer sozialen Beziehung den eigenen Willen auch gegen Widerstreben durchzusetzen, gleichviel worauf diese Chance beruht."
"The probability that one actor within a social. relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance, regardless of the basis on which this probability rests." (Max Weber, Economy & Society)
evil corporations produce evil technology
states (which are - as every well-educated libertarian ought to know - the most evil of all ) misuse evil technology to attain Goal so diabolic that no formula can describe it
all actors are corrupt but some occasional heroes do not know it yet
agents, drugs, femmes-de-joie & ultra (sic!) secret codes everywhere...
summa summarum:homo homini lupus
silicon defeated the organic
all is ***ked up, put on Your sun-glasses & deal with it, 'bro
Common Eco(nom|log)ical Protocol
internal unwritten codex consensually shared by majority of Lords of Equity