It's about understanding, mastery and governance of techniques and technologies which are opaque to "great many".

sentiments of awe, greatness and gratefulness

association with onthological terms ("omnipresence", "omniscience", "guarant of truth")

important mythical / narrative component

quasi-divine authority attributed to scripts of "founding father(s)"

faith on par with reason

tendency to interpret plethora of diverse phenomena through the BTC-prism & associated ideology (e.g. certain schools of economical thought)

if phenomenon does not fit the prism or ideology it is reduced / accommodated to it

difficulty of rational argumentation

evangelism & proselytism

[Never underestimate
/Ummon says/

the power of a few beads

and trinkets

and bits of glass

over avaricious natives]

"Macht bedeutet jede Chance, innerhalb einer sozialen Beziehung den eigenen Willen auch gegen Widerstreben durchzusetzen, gleichviel worauf diese Chance beruht." 

"The probability that one actor within a social. relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance, regardless of the basis on which this probability rests." (Max Weber, Economy & Society)

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