The seminar will start with a question "What is language and how can You define it ?". Subsequently, we will see how men and women of past and present answered that question - from grammarians of ancient India all the way to most modern theories of phonetics, phonology, morphosyntax, semantics and pragmatics. Special focus will be put on theories of language acquisition, that is, on discussion the process by means of which maternal language is acquired by human children. All this to be able to end the seminar with an answer to the question: "Could artificial intelligences like GPT-X be ever able to understand the meaning of the word meaning ?"
What is "intelligence" and how is it defined by different people and different cultures ? Is there only one "general" intelligence thanks to which humans and machines solve problems or is it more appropriate to speak about combinations of "multiple intelligences" - emotional, intepersonal, intrapersonal, spatial, visual, logical, mathematical, bodily, moral, narrative, etc. ? Can we speak about intelligence independent of cultural and socio-economical context within which its acts and is embedded ? Do organic (OI) and artificial intelligence (AI) have something in common or are they fundamentally and unreconcilably different ? In order to explore potential answers to these questions, we will look into history of cognitive (psychology, anthropology) and computer  (informatics, cybernetics)  sciences, we will read stories about "idiot savants" and children raised in wilderness and briliant minds of the past in order to ultimately ask our own AI systems to tell them something about themselves.
The seminar "Introduction to Psychology: On ψυχή and other Archetypes" offers an interdisciplinary exploration of psychological thought. Beginning with mythological narratives like "Amor and Psyche" and philosophical texts such as Aristotle's "On the Soul", the seminar integrates cross-cultural perspectives, including the Sankhya concept of आत्मन्, islamic concept of الروح and judaic concept of נֶ֫פֶשׁ‎. Participants will journey through the history of psychology, engaging with thinkers (and their AI Avatars) like Hypatia of Alexandria,  Rene Descartes, William James, Sigmund Freud, C.G. Jung and Sabina Spielrein in order to conclude with an examination of certain contemporary psychotherapeutic practices._

place: Aula Medienhaus, Thursday 10:30 - 12:00, weekly
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