
TAKEN Chapter 3 (Babies' Invisible Knowledge) and 4 (The birth of a brain) from Dehaene's "How we Learn"

TAKEN Chapter 5 (Nurture's Share) and 6 (Recycle Your Brain) from Dehaene's "How we Learn"

Chapter 7 (Attention) and 8 (Active Engagement) from Dehaene's "How we Learn"

Chapter 9 (Error Feedback) and 10 (Consolidation) from Dehaene's "How we Learn"

AI unplugged activity - Classification with Decision Trees

AI unplugged activity - #deeplearning

AI unplugged activity - Reinforcement learning

Non-human learning (plants, animals etc.)

Un-learning & "altered" learning.

Machine Learning
Each student randomly picks up one sticker. To each sticker type, point value is associated. You have 15 minutes to do whatever You want (e.g. deception, corruption, seduction etc. *). After 15 minutes, the person (or student group) which managed to collect stickers with highest sum of points will be allowed to establish one rule which the whole class will follow during rest of semester.

* the only thing prohibited is violence
Please answer (anonymously) on the piece of paper at least one among following questions:

1. What did You learn ?

2. What did You like ?

3. What did disturb You?

4. What did You not like ?

and throw it into Feedbackbox.
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