Hope You liked it and let's stay in touch

Daniel & Hyungjoong 

daniel@udk-berlin.de hjk@udk-berlin.de


please turn off tutorial raspberrys with a voiceshell command "halt"
Please connect to Hotspot FibelNet

password: cirrostratus

then try to connect to one two Pi4s we made available for You

ssh demo-tutorial@tutorial0.local


ssh demo-tutorial@tutorial1.local

password: takarthbr

Please create a list of 10-50 tokens relevant to Your domain of interest and mail them to daniel@udk-berlin.de and hjk@udk-berlin.de , we will create You a microscopic language model (scorer) out of it.

Help extending the "VoiceShell" dataset by doing recordings here: https://fibel.digital/22354 (again, login with l:demo-tutorial p: takarthbr )

Feel free not to do anything or leave the room

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