Personal Primer (is a physical, do-it-yourself (DIY) book-like (embooked) Bildunginstrument for fostering of reading skills in younger pupils and informatic skills in older pupils. The idea is simple:

older and/or more expert students strenghten their informatic competences by making the device and fine-tuning acoustic models

younger ones (9-12 yrs.) pupils strenghten their media competence by producing and curating (audiotext) content youngest (6-8 yrs.)

pupils use the device to strenghten their basic literacy (e.g. reading) competence

Web Primer allows wider public to benefit from our growing collection of open educational resources (OERs) without necessity to build a physical Primer. Frontend is a Progressive Web App, backend is a quite sophisticated "knowledge graph". Artificial Intelligence, speech technologies (notably automatic speech recognition ASR) and so-called audio-text play an important role. Current modules:

👄 lesen (ASR)

👂 hören (multi-voice)

👩🏼‍💻 trainieren and 💯 testen (human-machine peer learning)

🎴 memory (single-player) spielen

[Impressum, Datenschutz, Login] Other subprojects of wizzion.com linkring: baumhaus.digital naadam.info fibel.digital giver.eu gardens.digital teacher.solar udk.ai puerto.life refused.science kyberia.de