Please create a list of 10-50 tokens relevant to Your domain of interest and mail them to and , we will create You a microscopic language model (scorer) out of it.
Help extending the "VoiceShell" dataset by doing recordings here: (again, login with l:demo-tutorial p: takarthbr )
Feel free not to do anything or leave the room
the least efficient (1 - 3 Watts...) universal turing machine out there
1GHz 512 GB RAM
8-core ARM v8.2 64-bit CPU (aarch64) ; 32 GB RAM; 512-core Volta GPU with Tensor Cores
every now, NVIDIA releases an debian-based package (i.e. Linux4Tegra, L4t) with all packages You need packed in a so-called "Jetpack" suite
full-fledged universal turing machine :: 1.5 GHz 64-bit quad core ARM Cortex-A72 processor, on-board 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5, full gigabit Ethernet, two USB 2.0 ports, two USB 3.0 ports, 1–8 GB of RAM
5volts only; power-consumption between 3-10 Watt
during this tutorial, You will interact with Raspi4 running Raspbian 10 (buster) 32-bit armv7l Quartznet model
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) beam search
Tensorflow & Tensorflow Lite
Random forests (treelite)
a “physical” Personal Primer (π2) branch focuses on design of a post-smartphone open hardware artefact based on “Raspberry Pi Zero” technology.
the “Web Primer” sub-project provides extended functionality in browser
Both sub-projects provide audiotext support, implement human-machine peer learning curricula and use Mozilla’s DeepSpeech acoustic models embelished with our own exercise-specific language models.
Palope is a Fibel developed by prof. Christa Röber (Germanistik / Pädagogik, Uni Freiburg) and her team
the essence of Fibel is the scaffolding sequence - from simplest syllables to evermore complex structures
in Palope, the trochaic structure of German language is exploited to maximum to facilitate the Einstieg in the world of written letters
good design choices (not phoneme-driven but syllable-driven) many interesting inovations (color coding of different syllable types) and cognitivelly powerful methods (e.g. "Silbentepiche")
and it is a community project ! (e.V., all OERs under Creative Commons etc.)
the Primer should not replace the human teacher but assist her ( keeping track of what individual children know and do not know)
adapt the Primer to the child and not child to the Primer (all our speech recognition models run on our own servers / local hardware and can easily adapt to a concrete pupil or group of pupils)
as the child learns, so does the Primer (we call this "Human Machine Peer Learning")
Achtung, Gefahr: !!! by focusing too much on the technical, AI-related side of things, one may easily fall into trap of poor pedagogical practices !!!