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baumhaus.digital/Design & Computation/Perspectives in Engineering/IOPS/Problem & Solution/problem(s)/13 teacher-proposed D&C problems/Fremen Stilsuit
The Fremen stilsuit, native to the desert planet Arrakis *, is a marvel of engineering. Designed to conserve moisture, this full-body attire reclaims sweat, breath, and waste, converting them into drinkable water. Its black, skin-tight material is layered to reduce heat exposure and prevent water loss. Tubing systems distribute reclaimed water to catchpockets, from which the wearer can drink. Breath filters purify and reclaim moisture, while a nose plug ensures no moisture escapes. Built for desert survival, the stilsuit ensures the Fremen can thrive in Arrakis' harsh environment, making the most of every precious drop of water.

* also known as Terra, Gaia or Zem etc. during AD and AE epochs

Inspiration: Frank Herbert, Dune

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