"Ecoartificial education (EAE) integrates those forms of pedagogical and didactic practice where artificially intelligent systems are being deployed for the purpose of increase of H’s knowledge and respect of the surrounding biosphere.”

is more healthy (Vitamin D, lower CO2 concentration, different body posture, burn-out prevention)

by harnessing the solar energy, OOT reduces the CO2 trace of one's digital activities

outdoor activities are indispensable part of many artistic curricula

nature is beautiful and rich source of inspiration(s)

Teacher.solar :: open source/hardware toolbox for low bandwidth CO2-neutral online outdoor teaching

Stifterverband's Senior Fellowship for Innovationen in Hochschullehre

SoSe 2020 :: Bildung Biodigitale 0 :: On organic and artificial trees

SoSe 2021 :: Gestaltung und Einsatz eines solarbetriebenen Online-Bildungsinstruments: Klang & Ton

SoSe 2022 :: Bildung Biodigitale 1 :: Plants, Herbs, Weeds & co; Making of an outdoor digital education artefact

[Impressum, Datenschutz, Login] Other subprojects of wizzion.com linkring: kyberia.de baumhaus.digital puerto.life udk.ai giver.eu fibel.digital teacher.solar gardens.digital naadam.info refused.science