Founded in year, 2001 is the oldest slovak digital community. Awarded Prix Ars Electronica Honorary Mention in 2013 for its unique political system known as "Parallel Democracy Model", Kyberia has its own content-based economy, institutions (senate) , rules of operation (e.g. ostracization) and is still actively used by cca 500 hundred people on daily basis.
Question to plenum: estimated costs after 23 years of operation ?
Kastalia Knowledge Management System, or simply “Kastalia KMS”, is a system for collaborative web-publishing, Open Educational Resource (OER) creation, data-management and archivation of structured information in a form of a so-called “knowledge graph”.
Brought into existence as a system for collaborative "Einführungveranstaltung" presentations of a study program Kunst & Medien and Visual Communication, Kastalia is the backend for ,,, etc. systems as well as my primary teaching tool.
In sum, what was originally a small "pet project" turned out into the most important work (&structured copy) of my life.
Nach der Jahrtausende lang gelebten Idee des "Mehr" wird es höchste Zeit, die Kultur des "Genugs" zu etablieren.
Personal Primers (4 student prototypes, 2 teacher prototypes); Magic Wand 0, Magic Wand 1; solar boombox; solar harp
circadian, online-offline, modular / repairable, code-casting, F/LOSS (Linux, Git), outdoor-friendly
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