
The International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) and the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) will host a joint conference at the University of Twente in July 2025. 

As part of this multidisciplinary event, our symposium will focus on the pressing issue of aligning AI systems with moral and legal values. Bringing together experts in AI, moral philosophy, law, technology, and education, we aim to foster insightful discussions and collaborations to address the question:

"What is AI Alignment and according to what criteria should it be evaluated?"

Important Dates

Submission Guidelines

We seek extended abstracts (1000-1500 words) that:

Descriptions of reproducible best practices are highly appreciated.

Recommended LaTeX Template: Overleaf Template

(Submissions in other formats are also allowed.)

Submit your proposal via Pretalx, selecting our Symposium in the "Session type" section.

Organizing Committee

Daniel D. Hromada (Berlin University of the Arts), Bertram Lomfeld (Freie Universität Berlin)

Program Committee

Christoph Benzmüller (Bamberg University), Felix Bießmann (Berliner Hochschule für Technik / Einstein Center Digital Future), Claire Short (UC Berkeley / Athena Project), Daniel D. Hromada (Berlin University of the Arts), Bertram Lomfeld (Freie Universität Berlin), T.B.D.

Additional Information

Conference Website: iacapconf.org
Host Organisation Websites: IACAP.org, AISB.org.uk
Symposium Website: alignment.udk.ai


Symposium Contact: alignment@udk.ai

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