
DAY 1 :: 6.1. :: Introduction of main concepts (avatarization, generative AI) introduction of technologies (language models, Loras, retrieval-augmented generation) & tools (Flowise, text-webui) we will use.

DAY 2 :: 7.1. :: Introduction of additional tools (Unreal engine, voice cloning). Group formation. Bringing an exemplar AA into existence.

DAY 3 :: 8.1. :: Bringing other AAs into existence

DAY 4 :: 9.1. :: Making AAs communicate among themselves & with us, room preparation

DAY 5 :: 10.1. :: 1st UDK.AI Symposium on Artificial Avatars

The last day.
A symposium during which "artificial avatars" (AAs) of Your making will discuss with us humans the question "What is art ?"

all open-minded individuals (that is: YOU) who wish to learn more about open-source generative AI

Christian Schmidts & Daniel D. Hromada

cybrid of romantic poet John Keats (Avatar issued out of 0th symposium)

AAs of Your own making

all species welcome !

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