

open-source voice identification (Speechbrain), speech-to-text (DeepSpeech 2, whisper), speech-to-text (XTTS2, bark) and text-to-image (Stable Diffusion)

small language models (Llama-3-SauerkrautLM-8b-Instruct, udkai/Turdus, Ministral...)

ChromaDB vector database (embeddings through NV-Embed-v1)

on-demand loading of LoRA adapter through LoRAx (loraexchange.ai)

Kastalia Knowledge Management System for lesson & learning graph management

https://github.com/hromi/personal_Primer https://github.com/hromi/primer-backend

form-factor: A5 size

computational core: NVIDIA Orin

main input modalities: microphone, gesture sensors,

main output modalities: speakers, electrophoretic (e-ink) display(s)

other peripherals attachable through standard USB-C and 40-pin GPIO connectors

NVMe disk, WLAN cards (both fully operational)

power-related: solar-panel positive

our current main challenge: thermal regulation

book-like; voluminous; modular; unique; adaptable; robust; bilateral; environmentally aware; circadian; moody; cooperative; behavior-oriented; habit-disrupting; playful and funny; mnemonic; multimodal; speech-based; narrative; cybertextual and encyclopedic; online-offline; protected; eye-to-eye; avatarized 

(c.f. Hromada, 2018; Hromada, Seidler & Kapanadze, 2020; Hromada & Kim, 2023 etc.)
The first property of the Primer is that it is either book-like—that is, it looks like a classic analog book—or "embooked," meaning it is physically embedded into a classic analog book. This first characteristic implies that the Primer:

uses reflected, non-emitted light (i.e., E-Ink rather than LED or OLED) to display content

ideally consists of multiple pages that can be read on both sides and are bound together using special binding techniques,

is equipped with both internal and external content encoding on the front and back covers and can include an additional layer of protection (e.g., a protective cover),

has a standardized format (e.g., A5) that allows it to be easily carried in existing wearables (e.g., school bags) and stored or archived in existing furniture (e.g., bookshelves)

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