the project of 2nd Archive resp. "2nd Foundation" germinated for many years
ultimate impetus for creation of KMS given by need of VK and KuM study programs for a unified aggregator and generator of Einführungveranstaltung (EV) presentations
first EV in winter semester 2016/2017 at url
first public demonstration at UdK Zukunfstag 2019
deployment of other instances in 2021
handbook generator (SQL->LaTex->PDF) deployed in Summer Semester 2022
Perl Dancer app behind nginx proxy
PostgreSQL database with just three tables: "knots", "bounds" and "zeitgeist"
all knot-related ad hoc information stored in knots.attributes hstore
main predicates: "is_parent", "has_bookmark", "contains" common to all instances, certain predicates "is_uttered_as", "illustrates", "is_symbiont_with" etc. instance-specific)
Kastalia is composed of "knots" which have attributes and relations ("bounds") to other "knots".
Everything (e.g. user, institution, event, presentation slide, fairy tale, musical piece) is a knot.
A knot is a "Ding an sich".
Bounds are predicated. (hello sir Berners-Lee, hello Wikibase, hello "semantic web")
A knot is presented to an observer (e.g. human user) by means of a template.
Combination of a knot, other knots which are bound to it and a template yield "Ding für uns".