Perl Dancer app behind nginx proxy
PostgreSQL database with just three tables: "knots", "bounds" and "zeitgeist"
all knot-related ad hoc information stored in knots.attributes hstore
main predicates: "is_parent", "has_bookmark", "contains" common to all instances, certain predicates "is_uttered_as", "illustrates", "is_symbiont_with" etc. instance-specific)
the project of 2nd Archive resp. "2nd Foundation" germinated for many years
ultimate impetus for creation of KMS given by need of VK and KuM study programs for a unified aggregator and generator of Einführungveranstaltung (EV) presentations
first EV in winter semester 2016/2017 at url
first public demonstration at UdK Zukunfstag 2019
deployment of other instances in 2021
handbook generator (SQL->LaTex->PDF) deployed in Summer Semester 2022
Kastalia is composed of "knots" which have attributes and relations ("bounds") to other "knots".
Everything (e.g. user, institution, event, presentation slide, fairy tale, musical piece) is a knot.
A knot is a "Ding an sich".
Bounds are predicated. (hello sir Berners-Lee, hello Wikibase, hello "semantic web")
A knot is presented to an observer (e.g. human user) by means of a template.
Combination of a knot, other knots which are bound to it and a template yield "Ding für uns".