GPT4: Here is the illustration depicting the dilemma of whether future artificial teachers should be allowed to teach our children and future generations how to read and write. The image shows a futuristic classroom where humanoid robots are teaching children, while concerned adults and traditional teachers debate the implications.

assistant system

teaching teachers

teaching: human contact, giving ability to see how rules are, so they can become independent to go on their own, building relationship, to show possibilities of construction of own life, giving opportunity to find out rules, patterns & structures

teachers are important (Sonne und Beton)

body language is crucial

understanding the value of poses & cultural nuances

reading competence is part of personality

exercise creativity

Please put on a piece of paper Your answer to the question: "Should artificial intelligences be allowed to teach our children - and children of their children - how to read and write ?" represented by a number where:

-2 means "definitely not"

-1 means "rather not"

1 means "rather yes"

2 means "definitely yes"

Hat jemand Lust auf Organisierung:

auf Organisierung des 1. Transdisziplinäres Symposium zur Leseförderung im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz ?

auf Mitarbeit beim Entstehung des Journal "Encounter" ?


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