informatics*, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybernetics
psychology, linguistics, pedagogy, didactics
philology, germanistics
note: in informatics, we count from zero
slightly different than an ordinary "Tagung"
limited number of participants with different perspectives and skills
international, cross-generational and multi-lingual
gradual shift from frontal lecture to interactive sessions and roundtable discussions
inform, network, brainstorm
exchange best practices
answer the question: "Should we use AI in Leseförderung ?"
create tradition of "AI & Reading" Symposia
have fun & enjoy the moment !
learning & teaching how to read is a very complex process where cognitive, social, cultural, economical, technological and even ideological factors intertwine
reading competence falls down drastically
not only because of CoVid
new repositories (Internet), media (smartphones) and semiotic systems (emojis) emerge which undermine authority of traditional means of transferring knowledge (books, libraries, human teachers...)
voice identification
handwriting recognition/identification
facial expressions....
speech signal classification
speech-to-text (STT), automatic speech recognition (ASR): both disciminative and generative
text-to-speech and voice cloning
"talking head" generation
large language models