
learning & teaching how to read is a very complex process where cognitive, social, cultural, economical, technological and even ideological factors intertwine

reading competence falls down drastically

not only because of CoVid

new repositories (Internet), media (smartphones) and semiotic systems (emojis) emerge which undermine authority of traditional means of transferring knowledge (books, libraries, human teachers...)

informatics*, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybernetics

psychology, linguistics, pedagogy, didactics

philology, germanistics



note: in informatics, we count from zero

slightly different than an ordinary "Tagung"

limited number of participants with different perspectives and skills

international, cross-generational and multi-lingual

gradual shift from frontal lecture to interactive sessions and roundtable discussions

The advent of AI already obliges us to rethink many educational practices (e.g. exams).

Two types of AI will be addressed during this symposium:



[Impressum, Datenschutz, Login] Other subprojects of wizzion.com linkring: udk.ai naadam.info fibel.digital baumhaus.digital refused.science gardens.digital teacher.solar puerto.life giver.eu kyberia.de