Personal Primer is an AI-supported “Bildungsinstrument” aiming to harness advantages and possibilities offered by digital technologies for the purpose of education of elementary school pupils, most notably the acquisition of basic literacy (i.e. reading, writing, arithmetic) and promotion of informatic thinking. Currently, we have four prototypes satisfying 11 out of the 23 roadmap properties: embooked, unique, adaptable, modular, circadian, habit-disrupting, multimodal, speech-based, narrative, online-offline and monotasking. A concept of "human-machine peer learning" (HMPL) where human learns something from the machine (e.g. reading, foreign language) in the same time as machine learns something from the human (e.g. speech recognition model adaptation) is deployed in do-it-Yourself, book-like artefact narrating not only fables of ancient India.

https://stream.udk-berlin.de/w/gxoTarC9PK3wdumKJ8gDzx (Prix Ars Electronica 2024 submission)
https://kastalia.medienhaus.udk-berlin.de/community/data/13068.fibel_interspeech_subtitle.mp4 (accepted InterSpeech 2023 submission)
Sun-powered polyphonic harp :: Music instrument I ever built & coded in the context of January 2022 Synthux Academy Hackathon. Software synthesizer Daisy Seed combined with 12 x capacitive sensor connected through conductive fiber with neodymium magnets attached to an upcycled metalic kitchen tablet. Audio out connected to a transducer (shaker) which uses kitchen table as the resonator. No battery, powered directly from the solar panel.

Solar boombox:

Code at https://github.com/hromi/SeedInstruments
Magic Wand 0 (MW0) is the main teacher artefact issued from the teacher.solar project. In its essence, MW0 is a headless - e.g. no screen and no keyboard - RaspberryPi computer attached and a solar Powerbank which serves as a main server to which students connect during diverse outdoor education (OE) sessions.

RaspberryPi has additional components - notably the GSM module and 4-microphone circular LED Respeaker HAT - attached to it. Software-wise, it runs a Raspbian Linux with additional systemd services (teacher.js, matrix-synapse, Janus, Kastalia KMS, nginx, bluesalsa u.s.w.) in order to provide completely autark OE experience.

The whole system is attached to an awkward piece of wood of unknown origin making the whole setup both piece of art and teacher instrument in the same time. Additional Arduino microcontroller with 12 different sensor types is also attached to the Wand.

MW0 is more closely described in \cite{hromadathree}. 
A crypto-ceremonial installation ``Bird more while You are living for You'll be a long time dead'' is a first part off my first artistic polyptychon ``Life & Death'' which has been presented at Rundgang 2023. Centered around a death mask of my father discretely hidden from the public view amidst no-entry ceremonial Zone, the piece is complemented with a ceramic bird-like pipe, one listening system and multiple artificial bird-song generators.

After accepting to follow certain instructions, the visitor is granted the access into the Zone where he can use the pipe to whistle any kind of tune he/she wishes to do whistle. The listening system composed of a specially optimized Fast Fourier Transform program running on a Raspberry Pi Zero embedded in the death mask detects the whistle and based on the frequency detected, sends out commands to diverse artificial birds located both in interior as well as in exterior of the ceremonial space.

The last part of the polyptychon Life & Death will be presented in 2030.
[Impressum, Datenschutz, Login] Other subprojects of wizzion.com linkring: udk.ai teacher.solar refused.science baumhaus.digital puerto.life kyberia.de fibel.digital giver.eu gardens.digital naadam.info