Assimilation is the process of taking in new information and fitting it into a preconceived notion about objects or the world.

Accomodation means adjusting to new experience or objects by revising the old plan to fit the new information.
"Schema (pl. schemata) is a simple mental image or pattern of action, a form of organizing information that a person uses to interpret the things she sees, hears, smells and touches." (The Piaget Primer, p. 17)

In modern cognitive sciences, we more often use the term mental|cognitive|internal "representations" (C-representations = comprehension|understanding representations; P-representations = production|action representations)
"Piaget defined intelligence as an individual's ability to cope with the changing world through continuous organization and reorganization of experience. Reasoning is the essence of intelligence, and it is those reasoning processes which Piaget studied in order to discover how we know." (The Piaget Primer, p. 13)
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