Everyone is asked to find his place within this space, ideally at least 2-3 meters away from Your nearest colleague.

We will now listen to excerpts from Michael Nyman's piece "The Heart asks pleasure first" (Das Piano soundtrack).

After the music starts, You will close Your eyes and start moving Your body parts wherever and however You want. 

Try to BE AS MUCH AWARE AND CONSCIOUS of Your body parts and their relation to each other and to the center of Your "self" (if there is any ;)

After the music stops, open Your eyes.

sight, hearing, smell, taste

Tactition (Touch): pressure, vibration, thermoception (temperature)

Nociception (Pain): This is the sense of detecting harmful stimuli, signaling potential injury. There are specialized pain receptors throughout the body.

Equilibrioception (Balance): Located in the inner ear, vestibular system helps us maintain our balance and spatial orientation.

Proprioception (Body Position): Also known as the "sense of self," this sense allows us to know where our body parts are in relation to each other, even without looking. 

Interoception (Internal Sensations): This refers to the sense of the internal state of the body. It can include sensations of hunger, thirst, and the need for bodily functions.

Stretch Receptors: These are found in muscles and tendons and allow us to sense the stretching of muscles and the position of our limbs.

Chemoreceptors: These detect changes in the chemical composition of the body, such as changes in oxygen or carbon dioxide levels in the blood.

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