The word "solution" has its roots in Latin, deriving from the word “solutio.” The etymology can be broken down as follows: Over time, the meaning of "solution" has evolved and broadened. In English, it has been used since the 14th century to refer not just to the act of dissolving a substance in a liquid, but also to the means of solving a problem or answering a question. The sense of finding an answer or explanation encapsulates the idea of resolving a complex situation, untangling its components to reach a clear understanding or resolutionIn summary, the etymology of "solution" reflects a journey from the physical act of loosening or dissolving, through to the more abstract notion of resolving problems and finding answers.
In engineering, the solution S is that vector of P which minimizes (resp. maximizes) the value of objective function F.
Used as a general rule in chemistry; the old alchemical principle "similia similibus dissolvuntur" meaning "like dissolves like" refers to the ability of polar or non polar solvents to dissolve polar or non polar solutes respectively.
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